Monday, June 17, 2013

Busy Bee and Disney Tee

These past few weeks have been crazy busy for me. I'm moving July 12th and the packing/organizing has begun! Why is it that you never realize how much stuff you have until it's time to move?! Ugh!

Among all the packing and organizing, I managed to put together a quick shirt for a special almost 2-year-old who will be having her birthday party this coming weekend (Happy Birthday, Isabella!).

It took me about an hour because my sewing machine decided not to cooperate with me on that particular day. I'm pretty happy with it overall considering how quickly I got through it. I started making these shirts about two months ago when I needed a quick shirt to put together for a trip to Disney with friends. They worked out great and wash really well! Below is what one of the one's I made for Disney looked like:

I decided to sew on a fabric bow instead of attach one on Isabella's shirt because I realized what a royal PAIN it is to wash a shirt with a bow. Seriously, if someone knows how to do it without the bow coming out a wrinkled mess, please share your insight!

Anyway, I believe the packing is calling. Wish me luck!

Check out my Etsy shop for custom Disney shirts like Isabella's above!

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